7.9.5 - where are the other mailboxes?

I have a user account set up in SuiteCRM 7.9.5 that needs to access multiple mailboxes (name@, info@, accounts@, crm@ etc). However I can only see the contents of the primary email address (name@).

How do I access these other mailboxes now that the tree view pane has been removed from the email screen?



Were you able to Delete/Archive Emails? I think deletion is also not possible, just a TICK mark to indicate that email is imported or not.

When setting up the email addresses you need to subscribe to the email account by ticking the check box next to each inbound email account in the users profile. There are some issues with this feature, For example you need to be logged in as the user you are editing.

When accessing the emails module you should now be able to see the folders by selecting the folder icon in the list view.

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How can we delete an email? There seems to be no option to delete an Email from the Emails module. The Import adds a tick against the email and the DELETE is available only for Imported emails to just remove the TICK, yet its listed after being “DELETED”.

Is there any workaround for actually deleting the emails?