When attempting to install SuiteCRM 7.1.1, MAX edition, a database connection error occurs.

When attempting to install SuiteCRM 7.1.1, MAX edition, a database connection error occurs.

We’ve had this happen before. Just now getting back to attempting to install. I deleted the entire folder and started again.

Permissions for cache, custom, and upload were all 755.

The file config_override.php was 644. (I changed this to 755)

Prior to the install, I used the MySql manager to set up a user, XXXXX_suitecr. I also deleted a database named suitecrm.

After the first install failed today, I created a database XXXXXX_suitecrm and assigned XXXXX_suitecr.

I then re-enabled the installer by modifying the config.php file to read “‘installer_locked’ => false,” so the installer would run again.

On running the installer, this error message is produced.

Warning: mysqli_connect() [function.mysqli-connect]: (42000/1044): Access denied for user deleted_suitecr’@‘IP Address deleted’ to database ‘suitecrm’ in /home/DELETEDa/public_html/suitecrm711Max/include/database/MysqliManager.php on line 278
Could not connect to the database. Please refer to sugarcrm.log for details.

Sugarcrm.log reports:

Sun May 18 15:22:09 2014 [22824][-none-][FATAL] Query Failed: CREATE DATABASE suitecrm CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci: MySQL error 1044: Access denied for user ‘DELETED_suitecr’@‘xxxx.com’ to database ‘suitecrm’

Sun May 18 15:22:09 2014 [22824][-none-][FATAL] Could not connect to DB server www.DOMAINDELETED.XXX as DELETED_suitecr. port : Access denied for user DELETED_suitecr’@‘DELETED.com’ to database ‘suitecrm’

I have since tried again… to see what happens.

I get to this page (with database connection error messages on the page) which is step 18 in the install guide:

Perform Setup
Creating SuiteCRM configuration file (config.php)
Creating SuiteCRM application tables, audit tables and relationship metadata
Creating the database suitecrm on flashscan8.us
Warning: mysqli_connect() [function.mysqli-connect]: (42000/1044): Access denied for user ‘fDELETED_suitecr’@‘’ to database ‘suitecrm’ in /home/DELETED/public_html/suitecrm711Max/include/database/MysqliManager.php on line 278
Could not connect to the database. Please refer to sugarcrm.log for details.

Would appreciate assistance in completing the install.

I do note that for SuiteCRM Application Admin Name, I had previously put (something else). It shows as Admin on the re-install attempt.

Thanks for your help.

Just looks like something is wrong with your db credentials or db user. Are you sure its not your hosting thats causing the problems?

Hi Ted,

As Andy explained, it’s related to your db user. Your database user needs to have access to create a database.



Hi, Wil and Andy. Thanks for the followup.

I’ve been working with Support for my webhost.

The advised:

Hello Ted.
I have checked through the main config.php file in the /public_html/suitecrm711Max folder, and I see a couple changes that can be made.

For db_host_name, you should have ‘localhost’ and the db_name should be set to flashsca_suitecrm. I would suggest changing these and see if the install is successful then.

I made those changes in the PHP file.

Also reset the install line so it would allow the installer to run again and saved it the file to the /public_html/suitecrm711Max folder. Then tried re-installing.

Started the install.

Error message on the bottom of each of the installer PHP pages:

Warning: mysqli_connect() [function.mysqli-connect]: (HY000/2005): Unknown MySQL server host ‘�localhost�’ (1) in /home/flashsca/public_html/suitecrm711Max/include/database/MysqliManager.php on line 278
Could not connect to the database. Please refer to sugarcrm.log for details.

As you may recall from my first post: Before trying to install SuiteCRM, I had created a database user using the webhost-provided control panel.

We used that user as the DB user name. The config file shows the password is correct

After a failure, I created a MySQL DB called “suitecrm” thinking that might solve the problem.

Another failure with similar error messages… can’t connect.

Should I delete both the user and DB I created? Let SuiiteCRM try to make its own?

FWIW: Webhost support advised late last night California (my) time:

I checked the log you attached and found that Suite CRM was trying to connect to suitecrm database as DELETED_suitecr@localhost but I do not see it existing from the SiteAdmin.

You will need to make sure that you’ve entered the credentials for the MySQL database including the username and the password on the /public_html/suitecrm711Max folder.

I can see that a new database has been created as XXXX_suitecrm so perhaps you will need to enter that information on the /home/ZZZZ/public_html/suitecrm711Max/config.php file.

This are the credentials I found on the config.php file from line 55.
‘db_host_name’ => ‘localhost’,
‘db_host_instance’ => ‘SQLEXPRESS’,
‘db_user_name’ => ‘XXXX_suitecr’,
‘db_password’ => ‘DELETED’,
‘db_name’ => ‘suitecrm’,
‘db_type’ => ‘mysql’,
‘db_port’ => ‘’,
‘db_manager’ => ‘MysqliManager’,


Also, We’re on a shared, managed server, which does have Sugar CRM Version: 6.5.16 as part of a package of web apps.

Other apps I’ve installed have gone smoothly. Could I migrate to SuiteCRM MAX 7.1.1 easily, or would you recommend fixing this install problem instead?

Thanks much!


After changing several paramaters and getting into more trouble… we deleted the config.php file.

That resulted in the installer running, a new set of parameters being set up and SUCCESS.

There are a number of buttons or panels that seem to come up labelled as “undefined.”

More on that in a separate post.



it is not installing in wamp server, and when i try to install it displays…


This site can’t be reached

suitecrm-7.6.6’s server DNS address could not be found.
Search Google for suitecrm 8081

Please provide me step by step details.